Media Business Insight | Production Intelligence
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Production Intelligence brings you news and updates on film and TV productions, allowing you to secure your next contract, plan sales campaigns or network.

With a constantly updated database of upcoming projects, a full archive of films and TV programmes, and comprehensive contact details for key personnel, Production Intelligence provides a fully personalised, online information source.


Subscribers have the option to select and follow productions by genre, location, shoot dates and status to bring you the most relevant leads.


This also enables you to keep up to date with the work of various industry names so you can contact key hires when production decisions are being made.


Based on your search preferences, Production Intelligence provides you with daily updates that come straight into your inbox.


Once a week, the Production Intelligence Bulletin will give you an overview of some of the most interesting projects on the site.


Our sales team is available to give you a full demo if you would like to find out more.

Production Intelligence Terms

‘Production Intelligence provides some of the most up-to-date shooting information available in the industry. I use it every day’

James Johnson,